Text-to-Audio Converter

Check out OpenAI documentation for voice samples.

Estimated Cost for Conversion: $X.XX

Converting... Please wait. This may take a while; please don't close this page until it is complete. Wait for green 'Download Complete' text.

This may take some time depending on the file/text size.

Step 1: Creating TTS
Step 2: Creating your file

The process may take a while. However as long as you keep this page open your file will download automatically when it's complete.
Once you click the button; please don't leave this page until your audio file begins to download to your device. You may create text to audio or speech files during the same session. No need to wait once you click; your file will be cued and downloaded when complete. Once you leave the page a new charge will be required for a new session.

Payment Required: $2.00

An error occurred with the OpenAI API. Please check your API key and credit balance.